Jun 16, 20211 min read
A rooster's lament
The neighbourhood rooster crowed at sunset again. This rooster crows at any damn time it pleases, and perhaps there’s wisdom in that....

Jun 16, 20211 min read
Shaggy's day out
A mom, a little girl on a scooter, and a dog are out and about. Mom yells to the dog, “Shaggy, please walk on the side of the road, not...

May 17, 20212 min read
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle Book Review
Mr. Wind Up Bird’s wife, Kumiko, is a jellyfish on a mission to overthrow a powerful ruthless shark that is her brother- who hides by...

Apr 10, 20211 min read
Hitler Barber Shop
He gives excellent hipster haircuts while talking to his customers about current affairs, on the silliest things politicians say, about...

Apr 10, 20211 min read
Life's But A Trip
We are beautiful, limitless beings but we often get trapped in our limiting identities, roles, life experiences, beliefs, dogmas, and all...

Apr 10, 20211 min read
Eggs, beans and potatoes
Eggs, beans and potatoes in the middle of the night, under the imaginary moonlight for company. Do the good win in the end? Or does the...
Apr 10, 20211 min read
More KK Mart Musings
Of late, I’ve noticed myself looking forward to my visits to KK Mart. I walk around every single aisle on the pretext of looking for...