Our neighbour’s dog, Daisy, went missing for five days. Everyone was rather worried because she wasn’t one of those street smart dogs- they didn’t think she could survive out there in the real world with real dogs around, so they put posters on some of the prominent trees around the neighbourhood. It had a picture of her with a pink ribbon in between her ears, taken on one of her birthday celebrations, with the words “Have You Seen Our Daisy?” in medium-large, neon green font.
Perhaps Daisy had been planning this escapade all along; perhaps she was tired of being the dog everybody loved; perhaps she fell in love with a roguish stray dog and instincts took over. I envied her on how easy it was for her to just leave, with no possessions to weigh her down.
But Daisy was brought home two days ago by someone who spotted her while he was riding around the neighbourhood on an old motorcycle. He noticed her not too far away from the tree next to the traffic lights which had her poster. The family was overjoyed, although Daisy looked a little shaken up.
No one really knows what really happened to Daisy in that five days- the story was hers to keep. No one would understand anyway, not really. Did she get homesick? Did her lover turn out to be untrue? Did she miss her blue ceramic bowl?
I might pay her a visit one of these days, with a little bag of her favourite biscuits.