I live right here, on the sidewalk. I'm free to come and go as I please, but I never leave. I like it here.
I give people hope, that's my job, and that's really why they come to me. Everybody needs hope. Even you. You don't fool me- there's an insufferable romantic burried under all that nihilistic crap.
I see things; I know what's going on. I know everyone's fears and dreams, and they're all more or less the same. Hell I even know that your country is fearful of living up to its true potential by refusing to see past race. It's all psychology you see- those little checkboxes keep them big and secure.
Didn't think I was pretty smart given my bird-brain, did you now? But I'm used to it. Humans think I only know how to repeat what I hear, but that's just me trolling them.
You know what, I'm tired, I've spoken too much, and you still won't let me pick a card for you. You can go to the free birds- they don't ask no questions, they don't have no answers either. That's right, they don't talk no sense, all they do is sing. But perhaps that's just what you're looking for- some looney mates.
Now get out of here and stop taking my damned pictures!